Friday, September 10, 2010

3D. An overated Pain in My Ass.

Recently a fad from the late 70s, 80s, and early 90s has made an most unwelcome return: 3D films. While they never left being theme park attractions, they started to return to theaters (Goddamn you TIME magazine, it is not the future!!). In fact entire films and unfortunately games like to boast about being in 3D (cough Avatar cough, Resident Evil cough Saw [still a piece of shit] cough Jackass 3D), like the re-release of Batman Arkham Asylum. 3D doesn't due jack shit, you have to where a pair of migraine inducing, eye fucking up glasses and shit looks like it's coming towards you. I know from experience due to the fact theater I saw Resident Evil at today didn't show the 2D, all they had was 3D and IMAX 3D. Here let me get a point across, a piece of shit film is a piece of shit film, all 3D does is make a piece of shit film where shit looks like it is coming at you. Avatar was okay, it's overrated [highly] and 3D doesn't help, it just means those damn bipedal blue cats look like they're closer to ya. Well guess what they're not and they never will be (unless girls and guys at conventions or you're a stage hand at XXX Avatar parodies) because they're not real. While I don't watch Jackass, even though the thought of stupid people maiming, injuring or possibly killing themselves (purifying the gene pool) does sound funny, 3D doesn't make watching a dude blow his ballsack off any more up close. And Saw....well considering how this series already sucks and Watchmen beat them to it with the idea of the series, 3D again won't save this piece of shit but thankfully it maybe the last. While it may have come along way since Friday The 13Th part 3 (I recommend the 2D version, good film) and Freddy's Dead in terms of Technology, it will never aid the story of the film. So in other words SAVE IT FOR THE FUCKING THEME PARKS OR AT LEAST MAKING A FUCKING 2D OPTION ALWAYS AVAILABLE!

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